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Top 10 Hotels in Antalya

Popular Accommodation Types in Antalya

Sun, 23 Mar - Mon, 24 Mar


Situated along the Turquoise Coast, this Turkish sea town boasts pristine beaches and inviting blue Mediterranean waters, but there’s plenty more for you to immerse yourself in. Antalya’s Roman-Ottoman history manifests in its wild array of natural and historical attractions, from Hadrian’s Gate to the primordial Chimaera flames. A haven of ancient treasures encircled by natural grandeur, the compelling magic of Antalya is unforgettable and unique with every visit. recently found 1227 hotels in Antalya, Turkey. Book last minute hotel or find great hotel deals such as Ring Downtown Hotel for A$171 per night. Save more on cheap hotels with rates from as low as A$171 per night.

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